Day Two - First part

I was up early today (7AM), and was picked up and brought into the kitchen for breakfast. Dry food, wet food, chicken...what, no omelet? Maybe tomorrow?

Then, I went for my first walk. I got a pretty harness put on me (my favorite color: pink). Then, the pretty woman and the boy who lives in the house took me for a walk down the street. Here's what we looked like:

Then, we came back home and everyone else in the house woke up. I just kept exploring. I think I like being downstairs. It's cool and there's a rug and that feels good on my paws and it's quiet and I like it.

Later in the morning, I got my medicines...yuck. But, as always, I was brave and didn't cry. Then, we went shopping, and I got some new stairs. I made a new friend there: a puppy who was even smaller than me (a black puppy). We sniffed and now I have a friend, but I'll probably never see him/her again. so it goes. The stairs have to be put together, and I can't do it (no opposable thumbs) so I have to wait. But, I like jumping and maybe I can get on the furniture without the stairs; we'll just have to see.

For lunch, I had the same thing as I did for breakfast, but this time I ate more of it.

Of course, I decided to start typing about my days this afternoon and I'll do my best to keep everyone up-to-date about my adventures.

I'm not sure what we'll do this afternoon. I think I may just rest and rest and then, if I'm in the mood, rest some more.

Life is good for a puppy.

Arf, Yip, Yip, Arf.
