Dog Days of Summer

I can’t remember the last time it rained this much.  It came down so hard last night that I almost woke up.  Almost.  In all my 15 weeks, I never saw so much water (except when I am having a sip from my bowl).

I spend today with Evan, whose camp was cancelled, since the golf course was under water.  I don’t know what a “golf course” is, but it sounded like it wasn’t a good thing.  So, I get to spend today with him.

Yesterday, by the way, nothing happened.  Not “nothing” (I breathed, I played, I tore up newspapers, I ate, I tore up more newspapers), but nothing worth writing about.  I suppose it’s good to have a quiet day like yesterday.  And, today.  And, tomorrow.  And, the day after that. And the day….

Oh, happy birthday to my friend Ben!Birthday Boy

Arf, Yip, Yip, Arf

