First Day

Thank you, person with black sneakers. I think you are larger than I am, but I am not so sure.

Pet me. Hold me.

Where was I? Oh, right, my first day in my new home. Well, it started off like any other day with my mom and brother (my sister and other brother went away a few weeks ago, and I haven't seen them since then. I think they went to the movies). Then, a car ride. Then, I was at an animal hospital where a man and his assitant poked me, looked in my ears, looked at my teeth, gave me shots, took my temperat...all on a metal table! I was as brave as I could be, because Kim was there and the person with black sneakers was there and a really pretty woman was there and they were all watching me. By the time this was all over, I was pretty tired. And, Kim said goodbye to me, and I got into a strange car with these two new people. I was on my way to my new home!

I arrived home at about 4:15PM on July 3, and surprised everyone there, since they all thought I wasn't coming home until much later. So, for the rest of the afternoon, I learned my way around my new house, visting all the rooms I'd never been into, walking through the ones that I'd seen before, and getting used to my new place. I only had a little to eat; I was a little homesick and nervous. The picture on this post is from my first day...I'm pretty cute, huh?

Later, Kim came over and told everyone (who was listening) about how to take care of me. She said I should have dry food out all the time, and fresh water all the time. Then, three times a day, I'd have my meal: about 1/3 a can of wet food, a few pieces of real chicken (yum!) and some dry food mixed in. Once a day, I'll have some ricotta cheese or cottage cheese or yogure instead, mixed into some dry food.

Kim left some treats for me: some lamb treats and some health bars. I'll have some of those, ground up mostly, on my food. I have been eating lamb treats since I was little, so that should be good. She also said I could have some cheese with my meals!

Now, the part I didn't like: I have to have medicine for a week. It's yellow liquid and I have to have it every day for seven days. Also, I have a heartworm medicine that I'll have every day for five days. My new family will put it into my mouth with some kind of dropper, so all I have to do is relax and swallow...I think I can do that.

I get to have some treats during the day to help keep my blood sugar up. I don't want to get hypoglycemia. So, maybe some real maple syrup, maybe some caro syrup, maybe some special sugary stuff the vet gave my new family.

Also, I'm not supposed to eat or drink before bed time, so that I can sleep all night and not need to use my newspapers. But, Kim left late and I probably had too much to drink, so...

My first night, I slept with Joelle. Okay, maybe "slept" isn't right. I was pretty playful, and I don't think she got much sleep. Also, I did have my first accident. I'm sure I'll be better tonight, when I'm much better about stopping my food and water a long time before I go to bed.

And, that's my first day here. I'll type about my second day once my paws aren't so tired.

Arf, arf, yip,
