Office Politics

I suppose I was naive to think that everything at the office would be fun. I ran into a colleague today who was bigger than me, and tried to bully me. I did what any cute puppy would do: I whined and shook uncontrollably. Her name is Roxie and she belongs to Ruth who works upstairs. I didn't like Roxie very much. But, maybe over time we can be friends.

I was so shaken, I didn't get any work done today. I mostly tried to sleep to shake off the experience. And, then sleep some more.

I did learn a new trick. Or, I should say, I decided to create a new trick. I jumped from the floor to the step in the office, and then onto my carrier (which was on the step) and then into my carrier. Hooray, me!

Later in the day, I tried to use my brain. Okay, not my brain, but a brain. I look like a zombie in this photo, eating a brain, but it's just a toy. At least, that was what I was told.

So, we eventually came home and I had some Froot Loops, which I really liked. I don't have a favorite color, since I'm color blind. But, my favorite flavor is green and red and red and green. Yum.

After dinner, I ran around the back yard like a maniac. It was so much fun, I couldn't stop myself. But, I did because I learned how to climb stairs, so I climbed the steps to the back porch. But, I don't know how to get down. Something to work on.

That dog who looks like me came out again tonight when it got dark. I tried to scare her away by barking, but every time I barked, she barked. I tried to sneak up on her from, but she was sneaking up on me at the same time. One more thing to work on.

Now, I'm going to sleep upstairs. Tomorrow, I think I'll take the day off from work; I hope no one notices.

Arf, Yip, Arf, Yip,
