Welcome to the Working Week

I think Governor La Petomaine said it best: "Work, Work, Work. Work Work Work. Hello, boys, I missed you." No, wait, that's not relevant. But, the word "work" was in it, so there you go. I spent a lot of time resting.

The last two days have been pretty quiet. We get up, Stacie walks me, then I go play upstairs while we get ready for work, then we drive to work, then we work, then we come home, then I play. I think that's what is called a "rut." When we're in the car, though, sometimes I feel a gigantic puff of air blowing on me. And, plus, the roof was missing. I wasn't scared at all, because I was in my carrier.

I don't know if I mentioned that I now eat vegetables: carrots are my favorites, and I also like red peppers. I tried some cucumbers...I'm not sure if I like them. But, it's nice to have a change from meat. Someone told me that I should be a veterinarian, since they don't eat meet. I'm not so sure. The last time I saw a veterinarian, he stuck a thermometer in me and it - um - hurt. So, I think I'll keep eating meat.

Tonight, I met Andrea, and I took two full steps toward her before running under a table. I think I'm getting less shy. She held me and we got this cool picture of the two of us. Sometimes, I think I'm too shy about cameras.
