Chinese Food & Ben

Another work day. Here I am getting ready to go to work:
So, Friday at work, I went for Chinese food. Okay, not me; my typist.

And we walked there. Okay, not me; my typist. I was carried.

And, it was a looooong walk/carry through West Newton. We finally got there and picked up the food, and then we had to walk/carry back. I was tired! Happily, there was a small park that I could run in (as a break) before we got back. Then, back at work, I ran around outside to unwind...what a schlep for some Szechwan food!

At home, Ben was visiting. I barked and barked and barked at him. I guess I didn't remember him too well. He fed me a treat, and I was calmer, but not completely. Maybe the next time I see him, I won't be so loud/scared.

Anyway, we got a book that was wrapped in bubbles. Woo Hoo! Here's what I looked like when I tried to eat the bubbles:
And, here's a short film for your entertainment. Am I too late for an Emmy?

Today, I'm off to New York! I'm so excited!

Arf, Yip, Yip, Arf,

