Not so dumb

I must tell you that I’m tired of people calling me the “blonde” of dogs.  It really hurts my feelings, since it’s not only a horrible stereotype, but it also just isn’t true.  dumb-blonde-geometry-test

Well, not about me anyway.  I know, I know.  You’re wondering why I would say something like this.  Well, first of all, just saying it should show you that I’m not just another pretty face; that I have some pretty deep thoughts and I’m always trying to work out why things are as they are.  I am, after all, a sentient being, am I not?

Secondly, and to illustrate with an anecdote:  I was home alone today, so when someone finally (!) came home, I did my happy dance, which means running around the living room in circles, rolling onto my back and doing the “swim,” and pretty much acting like a lunatic.  Then, looking over my shoulder, I trotted to the sliders in the back, indicating that I wanted to get some time outside.  Yes, it’s cold, but a girl needs her exercise to keep her figure (or, her “fig-ya,” as some of my mom’s girlfriends say).  So, I trotted outside and wandered for a while.  But, I wanted to do more than just wander.  And, yet, it was cold, so no one came out with me.

What to do?

Well, here’s where my advanced brain power pays off:  I headed back to the door, signaling the guy inside that I was done with my late afternoon perambulation (for those less erudite than me, look it up).  When the door started to open, I trotted back down the stairs and ran over to the green and white ball.  I looked up, right through the door, and then ran over to the green ball.  Message received!  I soon had someone to kick the ball to me, and we played and played for minutes.  [This is the best picture that I had taken of me…I’m so embarrassed; not my best side].

Not my best side

Since he is, was, and will be a big honking baby, we only stayed out for about ten minutes because he got cold (boo hoo).  So, back in the house for a treat and a rest.

I hope this helps all of you understand the high degree of brain power that goes on within this relatively small, but incredibly cute, skull of mine.

Arf. Yip. Arf. Yip.
