...it's almost Spring! It will be in about 24 hours (which is something like 168 dog hours) and I'll be so happy to be able to run outside like a crazy dog again. I've already started to get my "earth legs" back after a winter of having to train inside the house, doing those sprints across the bedroom floor, through the living room/ dining room / family room / kitchen circuit, and at many time unexpected and inexplicable. But, all of that was prelude. What I really love to do (as I've pointed out in other writings that I've done) is to run and run and run outside! Especially when I get to chase that green ball. Oh, green ball. I loved you when I was a little puppy, then when I was a puppy, and now that I'm a big puppy. I keep getting bigger, but you always stay the same size (except for the amount of air that you've let slip out through the not-so-permeable rubber shell that makes you what you are). And, today I got to play with you again and it was so much fun! I chased you across the back yard hundreds of times, and when I caught you I jumped on you and sometimes I kept going and you just rolled a little bit! And, some times, you ran into places that I'm not supposed to go (the pretty purple collar I wear makes a beeeeeep and then - if I don't run away - sends some strange feeling through my little body). So, I usually stop about half a mile away from those beeeeeps. But, then, when the ball is kicked again, off I go!
I also like the spring time because my friends are back: the bunnies were out the other night, and I ran out to play with them. Now, don't laugh, but I didn't see that the screen door was pulled closed (it was dark) and I ran outside...but...I hit the screen. Well, that was pretty embarassing, but fortunately the only thing hurt was my pride, so when my mama opened up the screen, I ran outside just like nothing happened! I'm told that this is pretty much what a cat would do, but I'm a dog and I do it, so there's that. And, when I got outside, the bunnies ran away. Too bad; I would have liked to play with them. They're very fast, so I have to run really really fast to catch them. I've been trying for my whole life, but haven't been able to. Yet. But, I know have six or eight months to catch up with one or more of them. I think that if and when I catch up to one, we'll probably play a game: maybe Scrabble or maybe Monopoly. Or, maybe the green ball game, which - as you know - I'm very good at.
Also, my friends the birds were outside today. There was one big one that was sort of black, and another one that had a belly that was all red. It reminded me a little of my belly, which is pink. But, when I ran outside and barked and barked (my way of saying, "hey, guys! It's me, Izzi, and I'm ready to have some fun outside") they flew away, which really isn't fair. I have nice soft fur and they have feathers, but it doesn't seem right that they can just jump into the sky whenever they want to. I just want to play with them, and if I ever made it outside before they flew away, maybe we'd play charades or maybe some form of card game (I'm partial to both bridge and poker, revealing the dichotomy that is Izzi). But, not today, it looks like. And, yet, the Spring has just started, so maybe I'll have a chance to catch up with one of them so we can play.
Or, maybe some of my other friends, like the deer, or the squirrels, or the creatures that live under the shed, will want to do something fun while I enjoy the lovely weather and don't have to worry about slipping on the ice or falling through the snow.
Yup, I love Spring. And, I love that my birthday is in the Spring and is only a couple of weeks away!
Arf. Arf. Arf. Yip.
I also like the spring time because my friends are back: the bunnies were out the other night, and I ran out to play with them. Now, don't laugh, but I didn't see that the screen door was pulled closed (it was dark) and I ran outside...but...I hit the screen. Well, that was pretty embarassing, but fortunately the only thing hurt was my pride, so when my mama opened up the screen, I ran outside just like nothing happened! I'm told that this is pretty much what a cat would do, but I'm a dog and I do it, so there's that. And, when I got outside, the bunnies ran away. Too bad; I would have liked to play with them. They're very fast, so I have to run really really fast to catch them. I've been trying for my whole life, but haven't been able to. Yet. But, I know have six or eight months to catch up with one or more of them. I think that if and when I catch up to one, we'll probably play a game: maybe Scrabble or maybe Monopoly. Or, maybe the green ball game, which - as you know - I'm very good at.
Also, my friends the birds were outside today. There was one big one that was sort of black, and another one that had a belly that was all red. It reminded me a little of my belly, which is pink. But, when I ran outside and barked and barked (my way of saying, "hey, guys! It's me, Izzi, and I'm ready to have some fun outside") they flew away, which really isn't fair. I have nice soft fur and they have feathers, but it doesn't seem right that they can just jump into the sky whenever they want to. I just want to play with them, and if I ever made it outside before they flew away, maybe we'd play charades or maybe some form of card game (I'm partial to both bridge and poker, revealing the dichotomy that is Izzi). But, not today, it looks like. And, yet, the Spring has just started, so maybe I'll have a chance to catch up with one of them so we can play.
Or, maybe some of my other friends, like the deer, or the squirrels, or the creatures that live under the shed, will want to do something fun while I enjoy the lovely weather and don't have to worry about slipping on the ice or falling through the snow.
Yup, I love Spring. And, I love that my birthday is in the Spring and is only a couple of weeks away!
Arf. Arf. Arf. Yip.
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