Greetings, and let me apologize for not having written more. As you know, it was one month ago today that my world changed. Dramatically. That was the day that this fluffy little thing came to our house. And, yes, we'd had "fluffies" before (over the few weeks before that), but this one DID. NOT. LEAVE. At first, I assumed that the thing would run away or go away, and that my world would be as it always was. But, it became clear after a short while that this creature was going to be here for a long while. And, I began to dread having the thing around. She was so small but so full of energy; just watching her was tiring me out. And, I'll admit it: at first, I snapped at her a few times. Like when it was time for dinner. Or, when I was trying to snuggle with my mom. Or when I just felt like it.
nd, then over that weekend, I noticed that the thing was (sometimes) fun to play with. Sure, the thing would grab at my tail and my ears, which was annoying, but I also found that I could push it down and stand on it (in fun). And the creature did the same to me...or tried. And, it was during these first few days that I found out that the creature was another Maltese (I didn't know they came that small!) and that she was a girl (I should have noticed!) and that her name is "Rozi". Well, let me tell you that the first week was tough as we learned to exist in the same space that I had had to myself. I think I convinced Rozi early on who was the boss by lifting up my leg over her (that's what we do when we "dominate" someone...doesn't work with mom's feet, but that's another story), but she would sometimes take the opportunity to try to bite my belly! Still, I think that my constant reminders paid off and that she learned pretty quickly that this is MY house and that she's welcome to stay as long as she behaves. And, lets me do whatever I want to do.
When she gets a little to riled up, I jump on the couch or the bed and she can't chase me; gives me a chance to breathe and relax. And, yes, I know that (a) that's not entirely fair and (b) the day will come when she can reach those places, but I do it anyway.
We now spend our days mostly sleeping: I prefer three places. First, the bottom stair of the step. Not the most comfortable spot in the house, but a little cushy, and near the front door, and not far from places that I know there will be sun to luxuriate in. Second, the back of the living room couch. This gives me a great view of the street so I can protect the family against everything, including the neighbors who continue to go in and out of their houses (I don't for the life of me understand why they have to come and go like that and I sure let them 'have it' when they do). And, finally, the back of the couch in the family room, which is near where my mama works and is also not far from the door to the outside and is also near the food and is also comfy.
My new roommate prefers the floor. She often just plops herself down wherever she is when she's tired. I've heard my mama say that she looks like a "dead puppy" or one that "fell from the sky". I won't share my special places with her, so I'm happy that she's found a way to be comfortable.
Dinner times (which, of course, includes "breakfast") are more hectic than I'd like. My mama usually puts the food out and Rozi runs to it and starts to inhale it. She's sort of on the chubby side, but mama says "it's all fur"...we'll see! So, Rozi and I try to peacefully coexist while we eat, but I know that if I don't get my share, she'll just keep eating and eating and eating. She's also struggling (much more than I) with the whole "bathroom" thing and I think that mama is getting a little irritated with her. But, she's still little, right?
And, so we play a lot and eat our meals together and sleep near each other.
So, you could say that we're friends, which I guess is a good thing. I'm not lonely during the day any more. And, at night time, I know that my mama loves when I sit near her and sometimes she lets Rozi seat near us, too, but I'm her favorite.
This, then, is a not-so-grudgingly-stated, "Welcome to your new home, Rozi!" (I wanted to see if she could get through a month, since I've heard talk of "taking her for a ride to New Hampshire").
Arf Yip Arf Yip
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