Life is good!!

Y'know, Rozi and I were talking about it the other day, and we think we have it pretty good here. Oh, sure there are days where it's just the same old thing over and over again: wake, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, bark, bark, sleep, eat, and so on. And, there are some days where we're put on a forced march to somewhere we don't even want to go, like downtown or around the block or to school

But, those days aside, we really can't complain. We get more food than we can eat (or, at least, more food than I can eat...Guiness is coming out in a few weeks to see if Rozi's appetite is a record-breaker), and so many kinds! I don't know if I've mentioned, but we now get a chicken every Friday, fresh from the store! It's so good that first day...juicy and hot and right from the oven. Yum! But, then we get more of it the next day and so it's a real feast. Then, there are days where we have a variety of cold cuts to choose from; I'm partial to the turkey, Rozi's partial to whatever is not moving. We also have to sometimes 'choke down' some food from a can, but I understand that there are some doggie's who have their cans come from a supermarket and have pictures of dogs on them.  Ours is much more lady-like: small cans with clever drawings on them. And, despite what some people are telling the people who live in this house, they are NOT mostly water. They're mostly yummy.

But, it's not just the food that we get that makes us feel like we're princesses (which, I'm pretty sure, we are). We get treats a lot for doing good things, like walking or sleeping or being cute. Sometimes we even get treats mixed in with our dinner, just like good girls like us should. It could be small pieces of lamb or cheerios or other good food. Lately, we've had what we affectionately call "a bone" but we know it isn't (more about that later) that we have at night time and helps us keep clean teeth. And, they're so good that we sometimes try to take them away from each other!

And, like I kinda referred to, every now and then we get a real bone to chew on! Yes, we got one for each of our birthdays, and it was oh so good! We know that we can only get special meat bones, because if we got other bones, they might make us feel not so good. But, the bones that we do get to chew on make us really happy.

And, of course, we get to go to the beauty parlor pretty regularly, to keep ourselves looking good. And hot (although, after those operations, "hot" really doesn't have much meaning to us any more). Here are some recent photos, so you can see what I mean:

It's quite the good life that we have here. But, I haven't told you the best part, as Rozi and I were discussing just the other day between naps.

The best part of living here is our mama. We love waking up in the morning with her and running with her wherever she goes. I don't think she runs very much, but our legs are so little that we have to go as fast as we can to keep up with her. But, when we get out of bed, we're both so happy! I really do think (having studied some science books that Rozi was chewing on recently) that if you could harness the power of our tails when we wake up and see our mama, you could have enough electricity to make a whole city glow (assuming, of course, that it's a small to mid-sized city; we'd be foolish to think we could generate enough electricity to power Manhattan!).

Then, she goes outside with us and watches us as we play and we are happy that she's there, making sure we're okay.

Then, she makes us a breakfast, like the yummy ones that I already mentioned. And, sure, food is food (Rozi made me write that), but it's because our mama gives it to us that we love it so much (okay, that's mostly me; Rozi...well, I think you catch my drift). See, even when someone else gives us the same food, we like it but we don't love it, because it's not from our mama.

Then, she usually goes away for a long time. I think it's about a century and Rozi thinks its a gazillion years, but I think I'm right. Because when she comes home and we see her again for the first time in what seems to be forever, we just about explode with happiness. Our tails go even faster than in the morning times, because we know that our mama is with us again.

And, then, after we eat our dinner that she gives us, we get to curl up next to her and go to sleep. Sometimes, we even get to play pup tent!

So, that's what Rozi and I have: a great life and even more than that, a great mama.

We just thought you should know.

Arf, Yip, Yip, Yip,
Izzi & Rozi
