We'reacuse in Syracuse

We'll, it's been a whirlwind day for us, a day that started in the sleepy little town of Lexington and continued through the entire Commonwealth and ended up here, the home of the Orange. And, we've had such a day and we're tired but we're going to do our best to tell you all about our visit.

We have to start yesterday, when we got a surprise. Sort of. It was a trip to the groomer, which neither of us really like: not the going there, not the being there and not so much the coming home (we're sill traumatized by the events of the day). But, we do have to admit that we look especially cute and wonderful and we smell great when we leave there, so we're not really complaining too much about it. At least, we're not complaining any more. We got all cleaned up for today's trip, so when we left this morning we were like two fluffy balls of cotton.

And, then, we had a quick breakfast and we were on our way! Rozi is still not very happy when she's in a moving vehicle, so she shook for a while, but soon she calmed down. Izzi, on the other hand, is turning into an old pro when it comes to car rides (except, like we said, the ones to and from the groomer or the vet). So, while Rozi cuddled in mama's lap, Izzi stretched out in the back seat on her princess pillow. So, for most of the ride, it was fun and quiet.

But, we did stop a few times so we could stretch our paws, and that meant that we left the car and that meant that Rozi barked at most things that moved (and a few things that didn't) while Izzi was much more genteel. Soon, though, it was back in the car to continue our journey. Izzi, having been here a year or so ago, wasn't as impressed with the skyline of Syracuse as Rozi was. Of course, Rozi's interest was pretty non-existent, but she did manage to prop herself up as they went through the city, and was able to get of a few barks and a squeal or two at the cars and people walking past.

Soon, we were at the hotel, which we really liked. The room has a nice carpet that's comfy on our toes and we have two beds to jump on! After a short rest in the room, where we got some yummy fresh water, we headed out on a trip to the campus to meet Ben. Before we went out, though, we got dressed up in Syracuse colors: blue and orange. Mama found pretty bandannas for us and put them around our necks. Rozi thinks we looked too preppy, but Izzi's pretty sure that we were the coolest kids on the campus.

We saw Ben and were very excited, since it had been a while since we'd seen him. We jumped and barked to tell him how happy we were, and he saw that we were wearing his school colors and was - we're pretty sure - happy about that.

Then, we went for a long walk around the campus. Rozi wanted to get to see every thing, and pulled on her leash so that we could see as much as she could as quickly as she could. Izzi, on the other hand, wanted to take her time and sniff around to see what other types of doggies may have been visiting before she did. The sun was out and the sky was blue and the air was crisp and so we had a wonderful walk, where we met a few of Ben's friends. We also saw a lot of other people and did our best to behave, although mostly only Izzi did a good job of it. Rozi was much more - um - rambunctious as she went around and saw what was going on on campus.

Then, it was time to go back to our room and all go to sleep. Or, so we thought. After we had our dinner put on a pretty tray, we realized that everyone was leaving us, and we weren't happy! We barked and yipped and growled, and Rozi whined like only Rozi can whine. Everyone who went out thought that we'd stop after a little while, but they were wrong. We just kept it up, even when the people at the hotel called the room. After something like seven and a quarter years (or maybe it was an hour and a half), mama came home and we were so so happy that we now barked and yipped with joy. We were just so glad that we weren't all alone here, since even though we like Syracuse, we like our home better and we (mostly Rozi) were worried that we were abandoned.

But, we weren't, and we went out for another quick walk before bedtime, where we got a special treat: the twisty bones that we think are yummy!

And, so, now after a full day, we're going to go to sleep because tomorrow we get to see our Ben graduate from college. And, we'll be wearing our bandannas again, so we're really really excited.

Yip, Arf, Arf, Yip,
Izzi & Rozi
