Home Alone - the all-puppy version

As you know I, Izzi, am only three years old and so have not been allowed to watch movies that are rated "PG" or "PG-13" or "R" or whatever. So, that means that while I have heard about a movie called, "Home Alone", I have not seen it. But, I have a feeling that what I am going through today is probably just like that movie.

Today started out like any other day: we were all asleep except for Rozi who was crying in the middle of the night but who fell back asleep and we all got a good long sleep. I felt like today was going to be a special day! And, then when we got out of bed, we got a delicious breakfast and since I was hungry, I ate all of mine (yes, even before Rozi had a chance to come over, which is saying a lot because once that girl puts her head into her plate of food, I'm pretty sure she doesn't breath until she's vacuumed up all of it). And, even though it was raining outside, I wasn't scared one bit. Like I said, a day that looked like it was going to be awesome.

And, then, it happened.

When our mama left the house, she got her things together like always, and then scooped up Rozi and went outside. I stood on the back of the couch watching Rozi go into our mama's car and then I jumped down so that when our mama came back inside, I'd be ready to go. She had taken a bag with her, so I was pretty sure this wasn't going to be a visit to the mean vet or the mean but nice hair salon. So, there I was, standing on the cool tile entry way, looking at the outside world through the opaque glass, when I saw our mama's car go backwards and drive down the street! I barked and yelped and then I calmed myself down, figuring that what I had seen was an illusion: it was probably just some combination of the rain and the glass and birdies or shadows or something that tricked me! I was relieved. So, I jumped back onto the back of the couch, wagging my tail furiously because we were going on an adventure. But, now that I could see through the clear windows in front of the house, I saw that our mama's car really was gone! And, so was our mama! And, so was Rozi!

I panicked. I looked all around the house for Rozi, who almost never goes out without me (okay, sometimes she needs to go for a walk to - as our mama says - "burn off some energy", but it was raining and I knew that wasn't what was happening). I went upstairs and the door was shut and Rozi never stays inside a closed room without emitting the doggie equivalent of the SST's sonic waves. I mean, that girl makes noises that I'm pretty sure are heard no where else in nature, except perhaps during an African safari, when spears are flying down on cheetahs and other large cats, but Rozi is neither and this isn't Africa. Okay, I'm pretty sure this isn't Africa. Anyway, then I went downstairs to Miriam's room (and I need to be clear about this: I was investigating a disappearance, not trying to hide from thunder; I'm getting better at that anyway). Nothing.

Back up to the main floor and I looked everywhere I could think of. I tried looking in Rozi's favorite places: in front of the food, under the couch, under the table, in front of the food, in one of the beds, in front of her food. Nothing!

It then became clear to me: they had forgotten me!
Happier times...

I know that our mama would never take Rozi for an adventure without me. I know that a few times, Rozi had to go to the mean vet without me, but I could tell that wasn't for fun. No, they had somehow planned for the three of us to go out, and Rozi must have distracted our mama and she forgot.

I am so sad that as I dictate this, I'm sniffling, but I have asked my writer to leave out all those sniffles (else, this entire blog would be, "sniff sniff mama sniff Rozi sniff sniff sniff whine" and that doesn't make for good reading).

So, I decided that if they were going to leave me alone, I would do the only thing in my power: I would sleep. And, so I did. And, let me tell you, not having my sister around when I'm trying to sleep is like heaven. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed a good alone sleep and I haven't had one for two years! Oh, sure, when each of us collapses on the floor in mid-day, appearing to the world as if we've just fallen over while walking [when, in fact, we stopped and then fell over], we don't touch or interact. But, all it takes is for that girl to get the whiff of a popsicle being carried by a child as it walks down the sidewalk in front of our house, and she's up barking and yipping so that I - as the sentry of the house - have to rouse myself and join in. I have tried to explain to Rozi the idea of "crying wolf" but she doesn't get it and wants to know what wolf tastes like.

And, so the power napping went extremely well and I feel several days younger. I do hope, though, that our mama and Rozi remember they have left me here alone (the person I'm telling this story to doesn't count; he's not my mama and he's not my sister....Chinatown reference alert!...so I'm alone). And, that they come back soon and I'm sure my mama will have some treats for me and Rozi will want to play and I'll act like I don't want to to teach her a lesson, but maybe with enough time and distance from this psychologically damaging incident, I will accept both back and let things be the way they were. But, it could take a good, long time. Maybe as much as 10 minutes.

Arf, Yip, Yip, Arf,
Izzi (yup, no Rozi around to get her two cents in!)
