While my sister takes a nap, I am taking over this blog for the afternoon. Oh, I should say that this is Rozi.
So, I have accepted the fact that there are some things that Izzi is going to get that I am not going to be allowed to. For example, at night time after we have both had our treats/bones, and I'm snuggling with our mama in bed, Izzi sometimes pushes me out of the way, and I don't really fuss too much about it. After all, she was here first.
And, then, when my sister is thirsty and paws at someone until she's scooped up and taken for a refreshing sip or 12 of water, I just sit on the bed waiting. Oh, sure, mama says, "Rozi: you get what she's getting" but I don't really like to leave the bed when I'm tired but I do sometimes and I have my own sips of water, but Izzi gets to have hers first.
On the other hand, there are some things that my sister does that really annoy me. Like, when (I remember it as if it were yesterday, since this happened yesterday) I playfully (I promise) nipped at her, and she turned and attacked me and had to be pulled off off me and I think she was punished and I'm okay except for now I think that I might not bite her butt any more.
And, when it's time to have our greenies (we told you about this special treat that we get in one of our blog posts a while ago), I don't want to eat mine because I know that she will try to pull it away from me, but then someone stops her and I get my own!
Well, now there's another thing that Izzi gets to have that I don't and I'm pretty sure it's food. I overheard mama telling her that she gets to have "limes and teas" and I don't know if you know this, but I love tea.
I really do and I know that it's bad for me because it has things in it that are not for puppies (or, at least, that's what mama says) and sometimes our mama leaves her cup of tea where I can have a sip before bedtime and it's really yummy. It's so good that I will have to take a break from dictating just to feel the Proustian rush of a sip of tea I had last week ............................................... okay, I'm back.
Izzi gets to have teas |
Anyway, I don't understand why sister gets to have "limes and teas" and I don't. I mean, after all, we both got put into mama's car twice last week: once to go to the beauty parlor (which I hate, but then again I come out so cute it's hard to not want to go) and once to go to the doctor (where I tried to make sure that none of the other doggies bothered us and I did it so well that I was a pony for the rest of the day. Get it? I was a little hoarse?). And, when we got back from each one of those we were both tired and we were both upset and we both got treats.
But, now, it's only my sister that gets a treat. Now, I'm not saying that I like limes; I have not even had any. I think that they are green and round and smell good,
but the only time that I have been able to see them is when our mama has put them in a bowl that is not far from where we like to take naps. If I remember correctly, they are a little like those round yellow balls that I get thrown to me and that I run after and that I catch and that I bring back to whoever throws it to me, but they do look like they would taste yummy.
Izzi gets to have limes |
And, sister gets to have them and I don't. I don't understand. I am a good girl. I like to eat food. I like to drink tea. So, why is it that my sister gets to have limes and teas, and I don't.
I know that our mama went back to the doctor to bring some special present that Izzi gave her this morning, and I'm a little mad about that too, but I guess that is because Izzi was a good girl at the doctor and she wanted to thank them or something.
Anyway, maybe someday I will get limes and teas, but mostly, I hope that some day I just get teas!
What's that? I heard wrong? Oh, never mind; I don't want it. Except maybe for the cute outfit I would get.
Arf, Yip, Yip, Yip
Rozi (without Izzi)
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