Are we ready for some football!!!

Let's get the obvious out of the way first. We are two little girlie puppies. And, so it would not be surprising if you thought that we liked to spend our days at salons, having our nails clipped and our bodies shampooed. That's not even close to the truth. As we've talked about time and time again, we really do not enjoy being schlepped to the groomer (although they are very nice to us), and then having to go through the rigors of being washed and cut and our nails being trimmed. If it were up to us, we'd just stay at home and our hair would grow and grow until we looked like big white marshmallows. But, our mama wants us to look nice, so we do.

But, back to the point. Most people think that we're dainty little things...but, we're not. And, the best evidence of this can be found on Sunday afternoons (okay, sometimes Thursday nights and sometimes Monday nights).

You see, we love NFL football! We really do. Rozi, in particular, likes to pick things up that look like footballs, including the little brown and red ones that we have, and she scrambles around the house like Tom Brady (sigh!). But, we both get very excited when the weather starts to turn cooler and the leaves begin to fall (and not just so that we have something to chase in the back yard).

While we don't have the attention span to watch the whole game, we like so much about it that we are super excited that football is finally back. Like, maybe we don't watch too much of the first quarter, because we are busy taking naps so that we can be alert for the most important part of the game: the dog foot commercials. And, the one with the big horses and the beer truck (the one where the horsie leaves his farm and then comes back with the rest of his friends always makes Izzi tear up).
But, sometimes our naps are so overpowering, we miss the middle of the game and the end of it, too.

But, that doesn't make us less of fans. Our favorite team is - of course - the Patriots! Our mama bought us new outfits to get ready for the season, and here we are modeling them. Since Izzi is a built more like a wide receiver, she got the shirt that was pink and pretty. And, linebacker Rozi got one that was a good blue since that's more of a defensive stance, right?

Here are some pictures of us getting ready for some football:

So, as the game goes on, sometimes Izzi goes downstairs to watch (especially when chips are on the menu) and sometimes she tries to take a nap, resting up to watch that dreamy Tom Brady (sigh!) talk after the game. But, every once in a while, her nap is upset by yelling and someone being mad and hating the Patriots, and so she has to leave so that she can find her happy place (i.e. away from the yelling and screaming).

We know that the football season is only a few weeks long, so when it comes around again, like it will today, we get all happy that we can be the football fans that we love to be.

As real football fans, we like to see the hitting and shoving (that's Rozi's favorite parts) and passing and acrobatic catches and sweet runs (that's Izzi's favorite parts). And, while we're pretty sure that we will never be asked to play for any team (although we think there's a chance that one of us could start at quarterback for the Jets), we still love watching the game.

Especially Tom Brady (sigh!).

Arf Yip Arf Yip,
Izzi & Rozi
