Most of the time we're looked at, we're sleeping or resting (if you are inside our home) or snarling or growling (if you are trying to see us from outside of our home). So, it's probably hard for anyone (except for those few who we allow to rub our bellies) that we're in excellent shape. It may be difficult for you to completely understand the rigorous training each of us has.
Among the exercises we enjoy doing are:
For example, when Rozi has an opportunity to run with her football in her mouth, like a little white furry running back, Izzi acts like a linebacker, in an amazing twist that turns expectation on its head, and tries to grab the ball from Rozi. But, with her skill at it, Rozi usually protects the ball and scores, well, if not a "touchdown" then a "got back to my little bed before you caught me nyah nyah nyah".
And, there are times that other balls intrigue Rozi, and she does what she can to play one-person (or, one-puppy) catch, pushing the ball away, and then running after it. She had such a good time today doing it, that we had a movie made.
And, so, there you have it. From the outside (especially the "outside of our house"), we look to be two calm, above-all-that-excitement puppies. But, when you get to know us, you see that we love to play and wrestle and run.
Whew. All this talking about exercise is making us hungry. When do we eat?
Arf, Yip, Yip, Arf,
Izzi & Rozi
So it goes. Scuse me while I kiss this guy.
Among the exercises we enjoy doing are:
- Wrestling with each other. We have loved this ever since both of us have been living here. The way we do it is that Izzi play-attacks Rozi, who immediately falls on her back. Then, Izzi tries to bite Rozi in the neck or the head or the ear, and Rozi waves harmlessly in the air (did we mention that she's on her back?). Sometimes, the wrestling is like one of those old Western movies, where the action moves all around the saloon. But, in our case, it's a "house" not a "saloon" and there's no tables being smashed or windows broken, just dirty fighting (especially from Izzi, which is shocking since she's usually such a lady).
- Running around the back yard like a couple of maniacal, wild dogs (note that this exercise is enhanced when we feel as though one of the people in the house wants to bring us inside, or when we see any type of creature that is other than us [and, in Rozi's case, even if it's Izzi]). We love to run around when there are leaves (if you look back at our most recent post, you'll find a little movie of us in the middle of our routine).
- Running around the house when someone is trying to pick us up. This is most especially true of Rozi, who believes that if someone wants to get her kisses, they have to work for it. And, if she's in an especially playful mood (which only happens on days that have a "y" in them) she'll run around and around and around until the pursuer has given up.
- Doing the "limbo" under furniture. While Izzi can do this, she prefers not too, since there are dust bunnies (the only type of 'bunny' that Izzi doesn't like to play with). Rozi, on the other hand, enjoys the challenge of fitting under the furniture and has even hidden treats there, knowing that she is the only one who can get down and get them. This flexibility is yoga-like in its intensity, and helps to keep her in the shape that she's in.
- Running and jumping onto furniture, a skill that Izzi has perfected. She is not only excellent at it, she exudes an inner grace as she floats through the air, front paws outstretched as she reaches for her landing. The same is true when she jumps off: just a vision of fluidness. On the other hand, Rozi struggles with her jumps, but this only helps her with her muscle tone. By attempting (by which we mean, she gets up on her hind legs and tries and tries and tries to get the momentum to bring herself up to the level she's trying to reach), she gets a good workout of her pecs and her abs. And, when she leaves the couch or chair or whatever, she uses a power move that has her land with a cute little thump (and, we will say that we are both very happy that we have no neighbors downstairs, because one puppy's "cute thud" is another humans "furniture rattling"
For example, when Rozi has an opportunity to run with her football in her mouth, like a little white furry running back, Izzi acts like a linebacker, in an amazing twist that turns expectation on its head, and tries to grab the ball from Rozi. But, with her skill at it, Rozi usually protects the ball and scores, well, if not a "touchdown" then a "got back to my little bed before you caught me nyah nyah nyah".
And, so, there you have it. From the outside (especially the "outside of our house"), we look to be two calm, above-all-that-excitement puppies. But, when you get to know us, you see that we love to play and wrestle and run.
Whew. All this talking about exercise is making us hungry. When do we eat?
Arf, Yip, Yip, Arf,
Izzi & Rozi
So it goes. Scuse me while I kiss this guy.
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