First of all, we want to wish our devoted reader a happy and healthy new year. You know who you are. We know who you are. And, most importantly, the NSA knows who you are.
So, here we are at the start of a new year, and the change in the calendar makes us think in a 'bigger picture' than we might on a normal day. For example, Izzi (although somewhat under the weather...more about that later) has been wondering why it is that some people have to flip on their garage lights at night, when all puppies want to do is sleep? Is it out of ignorance? Spite? Are they just taunting, knowing that she is always vigilant and will react to even this slight disturbance in the force around her house. Izzi also wonders just where the heck the furry little squirrels that run around the back yard disappear to. Is there some vortex between the real world and the squirrel world that these little creatures run into? Is that vortex somewhere underneath the shed? Or, are they masters of disguise, turning into shrubbery or rocks or even invisible when confronted with the running-at-full speed Izzi (and the loping at somewhat-less-than-full-speed-but-c'mon-she-tries of Rozi)? Such questions haunt Izzi, but she is usually able to put them aside while enjoying a nap or being held or a nap. But, at this time of year, when everything is fresh and new, she ponders. She contemplates. She marinates.
Rozi, too, has big questions on her mind. Such as: why is it that there is not an endless supply of food in this house? And: why does everyone yell when I have finished my dinner and try to jump up to my sister's plate to help her with hers? And, is it time for a snack?
We know that we're far too small to carry the weight of this important questions around with us, but we just want it to be known that we're more than just cute pretty faces.
And, so, here we are at the beginning of the year, and we were so happy to see that the ground is covered with cold white something.
Izzi likes to look outside to see just how far this cold white business goes, and also likes to see whether anyone is invading the house at this time.
But, when it gets this cold, it's tough for us to enjoy the great outdoors. We mean, not only are the squirrels gone (or, as Izzi imagines, perhaps turned themselves invisible), but it's just so quiet outside. And, when we walk outside into the cold white stuff, it makes our paws cold.
But, we were happy to see that our mama pushed away a lot of the white so that we could go outside and play. We know that the part that we can play in is not as big as our normal yard, but that's okay; we wouldn't want to or be able to go very far anyway. And, once we have had enough of the outside, we can pretty quickly get right back into the house (where Rozi, smarter than she looks, has discovered that her bed is right on the heater, and so when she curls up, she gets a nice, warm surprise).
It's not all good, though. As we mentioned, Izzi is not feeling well, and it's not because she had too much to drink on New Year's Eve...she's a puppy! She can't drink! But, she must have eaten something in the back yard while on squirrel patrol, and now her belly isn't feeling very good. So, she's greeting the new year with plenty of rest and being held and wearing her sweater to feel better. Rozi is greeting the new year with trying that new bison treat that was purchased for her and - despite her initial reluctance to it - is starting to enjoy it.
We don't know what the year will bring us, but we can both say that it's started out really good for us (well, not great for Izzi today, but we're both sure that it'll pass) and we can't wait to see what's in store for us in the year 14098.
What's that? We have the year wrong? Well, it's not like we're not smart; we have brains the size of golf balls after all. No, see, what we did there was tap into the incorrect statement that "a human year is 7 dog years" and so we've turned the real year (2014) into a year that's 7 times that. See how we did that?
So, we wish you a happy and healthy MMXIV.
Arf, Yip, Arf, Arf,
Izzi & Rozi
So, here we are at the start of a new year, and the change in the calendar makes us think in a 'bigger picture' than we might on a normal day. For example, Izzi (although somewhat under the weather...more about that later) has been wondering why it is that some people have to flip on their garage lights at night, when all puppies want to do is sleep? Is it out of ignorance? Spite? Are they just taunting, knowing that she is always vigilant and will react to even this slight disturbance in the force around her house. Izzi also wonders just where the heck the furry little squirrels that run around the back yard disappear to. Is there some vortex between the real world and the squirrel world that these little creatures run into? Is that vortex somewhere underneath the shed? Or, are they masters of disguise, turning into shrubbery or rocks or even invisible when confronted with the running-at-full speed Izzi (and the loping at somewhat-less-than-full-speed-but-c'mon-she-tries of Rozi)? Such questions haunt Izzi, but she is usually able to put them aside while enjoying a nap or being held or a nap. But, at this time of year, when everything is fresh and new, she ponders. She contemplates. She marinates.
Rozi, too, has big questions on her mind. Such as: why is it that there is not an endless supply of food in this house? And: why does everyone yell when I have finished my dinner and try to jump up to my sister's plate to help her with hers? And, is it time for a snack?
We know that we're far too small to carry the weight of this important questions around with us, but we just want it to be known that we're more than just cute pretty faces.
And, so, here we are at the beginning of the year, and we were so happy to see that the ground is covered with cold white something.
But, when it gets this cold, it's tough for us to enjoy the great outdoors. We mean, not only are the squirrels gone (or, as Izzi imagines, perhaps turned themselves invisible), but it's just so quiet outside. And, when we walk outside into the cold white stuff, it makes our paws cold.
But, we were happy to see that our mama pushed away a lot of the white so that we could go outside and play. We know that the part that we can play in is not as big as our normal yard, but that's okay; we wouldn't want to or be able to go very far anyway. And, once we have had enough of the outside, we can pretty quickly get right back into the house (where Rozi, smarter than she looks, has discovered that her bed is right on the heater, and so when she curls up, she gets a nice, warm surprise).
It's not all good, though. As we mentioned, Izzi is not feeling well, and it's not because she had too much to drink on New Year's Eve...she's a puppy! She can't drink! But, she must have eaten something in the back yard while on squirrel patrol, and now her belly isn't feeling very good. So, she's greeting the new year with plenty of rest and being held and wearing her sweater to feel better. Rozi is greeting the new year with trying that new bison treat that was purchased for her and - despite her initial reluctance to it - is starting to enjoy it.
We don't know what the year will bring us, but we can both say that it's started out really good for us (well, not great for Izzi today, but we're both sure that it'll pass) and we can't wait to see what's in store for us in the year 14098.
What's that? We have the year wrong? Well, it's not like we're not smart; we have brains the size of golf balls after all. No, see, what we did there was tap into the incorrect statement that "a human year is 7 dog years" and so we've turned the real year (2014) into a year that's 7 times that. See how we did that?
So, we wish you a happy and healthy MMXIV.
Arf, Yip, Arf, Arf,
Izzi & Rozi
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