We will freely admit that we are not the most observant of creatures. Oh, sure, we notice when someone walks another dog in front of our house, or when someone just walks or rides by our house, or when a leaf falls on our lawn or when one of those little creatures with feathers appears in the back yard, then vanishes as if into the air.
But, when it comes to understanding the motives and plans of our mama, we're often at a loss. Today, for example, started out like any other day where our mama didn't put on her 'work clothes' and rush out of the house. We woke up, leisurely wandered downstairs with her, somewhat less leisurely wandered back upstairs with her, rassled on the bed for a while, then somewhat more slowly went back downstairs with her (that rasslin' takes a lot out of a little puppy!).
Then, we both got excited because we got our harnesses and leashes on, and that means one thing: a walk! Rozi was excited, barking and barking and then - for good measure - barking. But (and this is where our observational skills are not honed as finely as we might like) we went out and then right into the machine that moves. And, we don't have to tell you how much we don't like that thing. It usually means that we're going to the groomer (which we hate) or to see our Grammy (which we love, but it's such a long time in the machine that we get irritable and like to cry for a while).
Well, this time, we were confused because we went along for a while (this is what we looked like)
and when we stopped, it was not at the groomer and it was too quick to be Grammy's house.
It was the doctor!
Well, that was upsetting. We don't like going to the doctor because even though we like our doctor Stew a lot, we don't like being poked and prodded and we don't like having to mingle with other animals. We were lucky, though. Our mama remembers how much we don't like waiting, and so we stood outside of the doctor's office, barking at everyone that walked by (it was a nice change of venue from our usual barking places).
After a while, we got to go inside and into a little room where the exam began. And, the first part of the exam was where we had to get weighed. Oh, boy, this was not something that we planned for. Here's the machine that they used, and we're happy to say that each of us (one at a time) got on it and got weighed.
Oh, sure, we wiggled a lot and didn't want to stand or sit on it, but we did and we're happy to say that we're both in excellent shape, and that we weigh about 16 pounds combined. Of course, that's not equally split and if you want to know who weighs what: one of us weighs 50% more than the other, and that's all we're going to say about that!
Then, we had to wait for Doctor Stew to come, and so we sat with our mama and waited.
But, Rozi wanted to see what was going on on the counter, and tried to look (she failed).
Each one of us had a special exam by Doctor Stew, who didn't find anything bad about us (except...embarrassingly...we have to do a better job brushing our teeth!). Then, one at a time, we went into the back where they took a little bit of our blood (but we didn't get band aids!). And, Rozi got a special medicine and they put this funny smelling stuff on her to help make the medicine go into her.
And, just like that, it was over! We got good reports (except for that "tooth" thing) and we found out that we don't have to come back for another year.
Then, back into that machine and this time, and we were happy that this time we came back to our house. Whew! And, when we got inside, we got a special breakfast: scrambled egg and cheese. Rozi devoured hers after the stress of the morning; Izzi waited an appropriate amount of time, then (very lady-like) polished hers off.
And, so, another exciting day, but to be honest, we prefer the ones that are more predictable (and that don't have us riding in that machine and getting needles and medicine stuck in us).
Now, it's time for a nap!
Yip, Arf, Yip, Yip,
Izzi & Rozi
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