Not my Fault

There are times where a puppy has to do what a puppy has to do. For example, if the puppy in question is hungry and the puppy's mama give her breakfast, but that breakfast is not filling enough, the puppy becomes sad. So, in looking for alternatives, there are times in which it is clear that the puppy's sister has decided that - despite her sister's breakfast having been brought to a 'secure' place - the puppy's sister would rather nap that eat. And, at times like that, when the "food guard" has gone into the little room that makes you wet when you walk into it, the puppy might just have a little taste of the as-yet untouched breakfast that her mother so painstakingly and lovingly prepared. And, upon having that first taste, perhaps the puppy has another. And, another. And, before the puppy knows it, it's all gone.
Sure, the puppy might feel a twinge of guilt, but if that puppy's sister has been sort of napping nearby, the puppy's sister could have eaten the yummy breakfast. And, didn't.

And, so all breakfast plates are clean, and everyone might then just take a nap.

Arf, Arf, Yip, Yip
Rozi (because Izzi's still napping)
