On most days, we're both given the run of the house, which only makes sense since after all it is our house. It's great that our mama and other people live here, because it makes dinner time much easier for us than if we had to prepare our own meals. And, we have to admit that the body heat that we get at night time is not bad either (by the way, did you hear that a recent study says that sleeping with our mama gives us a better night's sleep?). So, most days, as we've talked about often, we wander around the house and if we feel like plopping down on the carpet,
or the our bench,
or our cozy and warm bed (thanks, John!),
that's what we do. And, we love the freedom. For us, freedom is a right, not a privilege.
But, then there are some days when - for no reason that we can understand - we get put into the little jail that our mama has made in the hallway. Oh, sure, she makes sure that there are treats and water, and warm places to sleep and even toys to play with, but it's still a prison. And, it's not as if we have done anything to cause us to be tossed in the clink, since we're both good girls (that's what our mama always tells us, or sometimes she plays a game and asks us, "Who's a good girl?" and we get confused and then she tells us it's us and we're so happy!).
Well, yesterday was one of those days. Before she left for work, our mama put a lot of things in the hallway and we both got a little nervous and it turned out we were right. Soon, we were in the hallway and behind bars, with nothing to do except sleep, eat, and play. We cried and barked as loudly as we could because we both thought a mistake had been made; that we'd been sentenced for a crime that we had not committed. We mean, what is this, "Minority Report"?
Time passed and no one came to rescue us so Izzi took matters into her own paws:
She was so proud of herself that she trotted around for a little while, enjoying her new-found freedom. Then, she went to see if there was anything to eat in the kitchen.
Unfortunately, Izzi was not able to unhook the latch to release Rozi, who was less interested in squeezing, and this had nothing to do with her - uh - solidness. So, Rozi spend the day stuck in the prison while Izzi just wandered around the house. Later, happily, Rozi was let out and we both had a great afternoon.
Now, we're back to having the house to ourselves, and it's a much nicer, calmer day. No barking (except when the mail or UPS come), we can sleep where we want, and - most importantly - no bars.
Arf, Yip, Yip, Yip
Izzi & Rozi
or the our bench,
or our cozy and warm bed (thanks, John!),
that's what we do. And, we love the freedom. For us, freedom is a right, not a privilege.
But, then there are some days when - for no reason that we can understand - we get put into the little jail that our mama has made in the hallway. Oh, sure, she makes sure that there are treats and water, and warm places to sleep and even toys to play with, but it's still a prison. And, it's not as if we have done anything to cause us to be tossed in the clink, since we're both good girls (that's what our mama always tells us, or sometimes she plays a game and asks us, "Who's a good girl?" and we get confused and then she tells us it's us and we're so happy!).
Well, yesterday was one of those days. Before she left for work, our mama put a lot of things in the hallway and we both got a little nervous and it turned out we were right. Soon, we were in the hallway and behind bars, with nothing to do except sleep, eat, and play. We cried and barked as loudly as we could because we both thought a mistake had been made; that we'd been sentenced for a crime that we had not committed. We mean, what is this, "Minority Report"?
Time passed and no one came to rescue us so Izzi took matters into her own paws:
- First, she cased the joint and realized the screws were on break (yes, we've been watching a lot of prison movies).
- Then, she determined the most effective way to escape, and although we both tried digging into the floor, all we got were small amounts of dust kicked up and Rozi got tired anyway.
- Next, Izzi decided the best way to try to make a break for it was to just go out the way we'd come in: through the bars that held us prisoner.
- And then she got as close to the edge of the bars as she could, then ventured a paw through.
- Finally, she got the other one through and then there was a scramble as she squeeeeeezed herself through and...
She was so proud of herself that she trotted around for a little while, enjoying her new-found freedom. Then, she went to see if there was anything to eat in the kitchen.
Now, we're back to having the house to ourselves, and it's a much nicer, calmer day. No barking (except when the mail or UPS come), we can sleep where we want, and - most importantly - no bars.
Arf, Yip, Yip, Yip
Izzi & Rozi
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