Home Alone 2 (of us)

Just two little girls, wondering if our mama will ever come home.
Oh, and enjoying the sun!

We typically like to keep our day-to-day lives off this blog, since we know that there are stalkers and fan-boys out there who would like nothing better than knowing when we are home, swinging by because they were "in the neighborhood" and trying to charm us with treats or treats (or, in some cases, treats) to make us run away with them. It's not easy being the puppies that we are, living a life that most people envy and most dogs are unaware of (except that one in the movie about the dog who was really a person and could read; not Lassie).

So, we do what we can to protect our exact location and we also don't really talk about the very few times that we have the house to ourselves.

But, after the fact, when we're back on our regular schedule and there is nothing that we can reveal that would let the public at large know that we were "home alone" for a short while (short of building a time machine, climbing into it, taking advantage of our being along by stealing us, then going back to the 2008 Democratic convention and shoving Melania Trump's speech on the teleprompter that Michelle Obama is using) we like to talk about it. Like now.

A few weeks ago (we're going to be vague here, in case someone does build such a time machine), our mama left us alone for a very long time. Izzi thinks it was 10 days; Rozi thinks it was 35 meals. Now, we were lucky because we were not left alone for a long time; our "normal" care was handled (clumsily, but handled) by the family members who remained behind. But, then, after a while, even that connection to our family ended, and we were truly alone. All alone! Seconds passed, then minutes, then hours. And, a lot of them. Maybe four. Maybe eleventeen.

Whatever, we were worried and so Rozi did the now-famous "Rozi Howl" to try to summon our family back, but that didn't seem to work. So, we each did what we needed to do to calm ourselves down: Izzi paced back and forth on the back of the couch, looking for any sign of the return of our mama (or, at that point, anyone in our family), attentively scanning the street in both directions, sniffing the air, and listening for the sound of a familiar car door. Rozi napped.

Then, we had a visitor to our house, and we were confused. This wasn't our mama. This wasn't our family. But, it was someone who was really nice and fun and who took care of us for a very long time (somewhere between 2 hours and a century). Her name is "Alicia" and Izzi remembered that we met her before. Rozi sort of remembered that she fed us a treat, but since she focuses less on "who" gives us treats and "what" the treat is, we're not sure that this is true. (By the way, they were Cheerios.)

So, Alicia came to live with us and fed us our breakfast and let us go outside (even though we didn't want to on the first day, we eventually relented, secure in the knowledge that she was not going to lock us out of the house and bring in new doggies to replace us). We started to really enjoy having her be with us, and we were both less sad that our mama left us. Abandoned us. Forgot about us. Began a life that didn't include us. Not that we're reliving it now or anything.

And, while we were with Alicia, she took some great photos of us, one of both of us at the top of this blog, and one of Izzi.

Then, after what seemed like 15 minutes but was actually several days or weeks, Alicia wasn't coming to visit us any more and we were (again!) sad but then. But then. But then....OUR MAMA CAME HOME!

Izzi was so excited that she ran in a circle so fast that she almost created a hurricane in the kitchen, then jumped up and down in a way that would make Jack Lalanne (look it up!) jealous, then almost had a heart attack. Rozi cried a little.

And, just like that, we were all back together. We thought that our mama might bring us a present, like a treat, but she just brought herself and that was fine with us. We made a new friend and we got our mama back and we grew stronger and more independent, knowing that we can survive many meals without seeing our mama or sleeping with our mama or cuddling with ou...

Oh, who are we kidding? We missed our mama and we've done our best to be sure she never leaves us for that long for a very very long time. Rozi pooped in her suitcase.

Arf, Yip, Yip, Yip,
Izzi & Rozi
