
Because we are small, and because we're pretty, people think that we're not really smart. We are, and it bothers us when we hear these things. Oh, sure, you may see us wag our tails when you tell us that we are 'good girls' (which, for the record, we most definitely are), but we also get a bit of a charge when we hear someone tell us that we're smart, even though that happens less often.

Like, if we get one of the puzzles that our mama lets us play with so that we can find treats. Rozi is really good at that one and she often hears how smart she is as she is knocking over the little wooden tubes. And, Izzi knows how to get up and into almost anything, like the bucket of clothes or the bench or around mama's neck when she's "working". Izzi, too, is complimented on her smarts then (although when she's acting as a living breathing scarf, mama sometimes tells her how smart she is and then tells her to 'get down' and not the one where you boogie on the dance floor; the other one).

And, yet, nearly everyone does not realize that we have other forms of intelligence, most notably our ability to hear, decode, and respond to the English language. Now, that might not seem like a remarkable accomplishment if you are reading this, since you have either gained the ability to read and most likely understand words that are written in English, or you have someone reading them to you and you are comprehending them. But, remember, our brains are small. We were in the room when our mama was watching a TV show that said that our brains were the size of a walnut and even though this upset both of us, Rozi immediately began to wonder if that meant that we were going to get a treat of some kind of new nut (spoiler alert: we didn't). So, the fact that we have such a large vocabulary of understanding should be amazing to people, and yet they either take it for granted or just completely ignore this skill.

And, so, we thought that we would let everyone know just how many words we understand (as an aside, you're probably wondering why we need to talk about this, given the fact that the words that you are reading - or are having read to you - are ours, and all we can tell you is that not everyone has the insight that you do about the way that human/canine communication works, so good on you!). We'll start with the beginning of our day and walk you through to the end of it since it's the routine that we're most used to and it's easier for us to think linearly.

Our mornings usually start with the statement whowantstogooutside, which is a word that means that it's time for us to get off the bed, walk down the little stairs, walk down the big stairs, and then get to the outside world where we can greet the day with stretches and yawns and occasional barks. We then nearly always go to the bottom of the (yet another set of) steps and putter around (this is a euphemism for what we really do and since we cannot be sure whether you are reading this while eating, we will dispense with the details and suggest you use your imagination and if it helps to remember the phrase about whether a bear performs a certain activity 'in the woods' and keep in mind that we live near a lot of trees and et cetera). This jaunt is then followed by either coming in and having a treat (if mama lets us out) or a race back up the stairs (if mama is still in bed and we have to put up with being let out by someone else).

Next, whowantsbreakfast means that there will be food placed in the appropriate locations so that Rozi can inhale hers and Izzi can sniff at Rozi's food, then sniff at her own food, then eat several hours later while Rozi is sleeping off breakfast.

Our days are then usually quiet until it's time for a game: either mommyshome, which means that our mama is back from being gone for an eternity and we can jump and play with her, or comehereyoulittlerat, which is a game that Rozi likes to play where she runs around the house like a devil from Tasmania until she's caught. We both like the first game and Rozi loves the second game because she always wins!

Every now and then, we hear itsnewboneday and we know we're getting a special treat:

Then, it's time for us to hear whowantsdinner and the same activities that we've outlined for whowantsbreakfast occur, but sometimes Izzi puts off eating so long it gets put into the cold room until the morning when it's given to Rozi (who doesn't mind; I mean food is food, amirite?).

After a bit of rest and winding down, the word whowantstogotobed means that it's time to trudge up the stairs and get ready for the upcoming night, except when Rozi stops 2 stairs from the top and has to be helped.

Finally, our night ends with the word, whowantsatreat and we get a yummy treat (three if mama is not giving them to us; only one if she is!).

After that, we need to rest so that our big brains can relax and synthesize all that we have learned for the day. We snuggle after we have our water and drop off to sleep, ready for another day of being smart dogs!

Arf, Arf, Arf, Yip,
Izzi & Rozi

P.S. Izzi is visiting Grammy today!
