Spa day!

We find ourselves here in the middle of January, which means that we're 1/3 of the way through winter, and we have yet to have been able to go out and play in the snow. Except for one weekend back in November, when we got to play around in a very small amount of the white stuff, we've generally had the whole back yard open.

This is both good and bad. The good is that we can run through the whole yard. And, we should note that when we get to go outside in the night time, Rozi has to wear a special collar since one time she was a 'bad girl' and went really far away and mama could not find her and so now Rozi has to wear a collar that's pretty and pink and flashes a light so that even if Rozi goes through the yard and through the woods and all the way to the very far away wall, mama can find her and tell her to 'get back here, you little devil!' which she isn't really; she just likes to explore. Also, we can go up and down the steps without slipping.

The bad is that we like when it's cold outside and we have extra special paths that we can walk on and it's fun. They're like challenging little mazes, and we've spoken before about how smart we are and how much we like challenges, and so it's just the littlest bit sad that there has yet to be much snow. So, we don't have to be all that warm when we go outside since the cold has similarly not been too bad.

Which is why our big event for today is to go to our groomer and get ourselves all pretty because our friend Elisa is coming to visit us and we want to look super pretty for here. We're both a little nervous right now since we never give direction to our groomers about what hairstyle we might like and so it's kind of exciting but also kind of nerve-wracking as we go through our day of beauty, not knowing what we'll find. Sure, it's almost always the same 'do, which we like, but we've seen those pictures of other Maltese puppies whose hair goes all the way down to the floor and we wonder if someday we'll check out the mirror when we get home and find that we, too, look like the bottoms of mops. You never know, we guess.

To kind of commemorate what is going on today, we've directed our writer to stop here and take pictures of us in the "before" states that we're in and then after we are picked up after our time with our friends, we'll make sure that our transformation is documented in both words and pictures.

We know that it's not quite the same as facebook live (we have sworn off Facebook in 2019, since we have the same privacy concerns that many of you probably do) or an Instagram story (we cannot get our photographer to focus [no pun intended....well, maybe a little] on us to get anything of interest recorded]), but it's a kind of "You are There" moment and we're excited.
And, so, until we return, we'll say goodbye for now.

We're back and we're beautiful and we're loving it. The visit was everything that we'd hoped it would be! Sure, we were not happy to be in the car again without our mama (Rozi especially, since Izzi is usually a good girl and rolls into a ball on a lap while Rozi barks like she's a dog or something) and we had to do it two times, but that was a small price to pay for how good we look. To be honest, as much as we worry about being just the smallest amount of cold, we figure it's a fair trade-off when you consider that you can now see our faces and we - similarly - can see everyone's (yes, it's a sad truth that when we are not groomed for a while our eyes fall behind tufts of fur and it's hard for us to make out who is coming near us and so Izzi often has to assume the worst and attack anyone, Anyone who is approaching our mama, that is).

And, so, as we wait for the possible snowfall, we know that we'll be looking good and will not be cold, because our mama has made sure that we have sweaters and coats to wear if we go outside.

Yes, you're right. We are fabulous.

Yip, Yip, Arf, Arf,
Izzi & Rozi
