While it might seem like our days pass from bed to floor to food to nap to nap to nap to food to nap to bed, there's so much more to our days than that. And, we're not just talking about "couch", our new favorite thing to do since we get to sit on a comfy couch with a blanket and a pillow and watch lights flash on the wall.
No, we're talking about our morning exercise routine. You don't think we get these bodies without doing some serious physical stuff, do you? No gain, no pain! Or, something like that.
Our (usual) morning exercise path! |
When we wake up, our mama gets us ready to go for our first walk of the day, something that we both look forward to. Except, sometimes, Izzi who would prefer to stay in bed...with age comes wisdom!
We like to get out get out to the street and walkway quickly (also known as "Izzi likes to be carried") and then...we're off! These morning walks used to be kind of long, and we pretended that we liked them (don't want to make our mama feel bad) but our little legs started to burn part of the way through...we toughed it out, though.
And, then the winter came and the streets and paths had lots of ice and snow and so we cut it down a little and that's what we're now (still) doing. We don't mind; the less time we spend outside means that we can spend more time catching up on our sleep since if we don't rest for 23 or more hours in a day, we're a mess the next day.
We like to sniff the bushes near out house when we start. It's good warmup since it's downhill and it's usually quiet when we go out, by which we mean there are not many people or other doggies on the street, since if there were Rozi would announce to the world that we are not alone and that breaks the whole "usually quiet" thing. For us and for neighbors within four blocks.
We turn and go up a small rise (whew!) and then come to a place that has some nice grass for us to walk in. But, here's the thing: we have to jump up (a little) to get to it and so it's not only a place to enjoy the sprouting of little shoots of soft grass, it's also pretty good exercise for our glutes and hammys as we use the power of our little legs to push up way way up (12 inches?) and onto the little field.
After that, we jump down and continue up the little hill, which now feels more like a mountain. But, we don't let that stop us (our mama won't let us!) and soon we are near the house that has lots of straw and bushes and so we sniff around there. Then, we take another corner and trot down the walkway until we come to an alley that has some ivy in it (we're not sure if we like that) and some other not so soft thing to walk on. But, we usually don't go all the way down, and instead we go back to the path and sniff at the buildings that are there. We know there have been other doggies who were there one time, since there is a trace of their smell on the walls. We like to sniff and think about friends that we haven't yet met who have been around recently.
It's then time for the final part of our walk, when we have another jump up to another place where we can walk around and smell the grass and the bushes and a tree or two (and - yes - proof that other doggies have been there, too) and when we're done we can jump down or go to the part that's lower so it's more of a 'gently step' down (or, if you're Izzi, "get carried down").
Finally (!), we head home after all that and our mama has us go a little bit of a different way so that we can get one final romp through some grass and bushes before we make it home and leap up the stairs.
At this point, we're both tired, but we try to stay awake long enough for breakfast. Whether we eat or not, we need to recover from the physical exertion that we've been through and so we do.
And, we do this every day! Well, almost every day; when it's snowing or raining or we don't want to, we just stay inside and get started with our napping a little earlier.
Arf, yip, yip, arf,
Izzi & Rozi
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