
You might not know it to look at us, but we're both big fans of exercise. In the mornings, when our mama takes us out for a pre-breakfast stroll, we enjoy filling our little lungs with fresh air as we walk along the sidewalks of our neighborhood (see our prior blog post for more information about that). We know that the exercise is good for us, since it makes our muscles big (but not too big) and keeps us in good puppy shape.

We also are pleased that we live in this home since there are so many stairs for us to climb up and down. Going to visit our mama when she is on her exercise machine means that we have to climb up a lot of stairs and while the climb itself is tough, we know that when we make it to the top, we can find our mama just pedaling away. Izzi knows that she has to be careful not to get too close since she almost got hit in the kepi with a pedal once, but she didn't and she learned to stay away. Well, maybe. But, the point is that we get good exercise as we push our little bodies up step after step after step and its tiring but as someone one said, "no pain, no rain" and we don't like to go outside when there is lots of water coming from the sky so we put up with the pain. We can feel our muscles getting strong and our abs turning into steel ... well, turning into tin ... okay, turning into aluminum foil as we move upward. And, sometimes Rozi likes to climb even more steps and when she's at the top she needs to rest but it's the kind of good tiredness that you get after some intense exercise or after eating a meal or pretty much anytime. There's no such thing as a bad nap, if you ask us.

But, the one activity that we enjoy doing to make ourselves stronger is to wrestle! We've been doing it since the day that Rozi came into our family (a day that Izzi still calls, "Black Friday" even though it was a Tuesday) and it's made us stronger both mentally and physically.

If you've ever seen the "Pink Panther" films (the good ones, with Peter Sellers, not the newer ones), you may remember that Inspector Clouseau asks his assistant to attack him without warning from time to time so that the Inspector can hone his fighting skills. Well, that's how we roll.

One of us will be minding our own business, maybe sniffing around a stuffed animal or wandering around a place where one time we got treats that fell miraculously from the sky, and the other of us will sneak up and start the match. Having these bouts occur organically instead of scheduling them means that we both have to be alert at all times, which is important since when we are not eating or napping or wrestling or climbing up stairs or going for walks, we need to watch the street outside our windows to protect our mama from whatever is moving out there and we therefore need to be in top physical condition should the need arise for us to attack someone or something.

The wrestling match begins without warning and ends when one of us gets bored with it, which is usually ten to thirty seconds after it starts. Then we just go about the rest of whatever we were doing, which is probably plopping down on the rug or the blanket or the floor and taking a long nap to recover. We know that recovery is important and we take that very seriously, sometimes recovering for eight to ten hours after a match.

And, now, having wrapped up today's main event, we'll start the recovery process by putting our heads down on a soft part of the house and ....

Arf, Yip, Yip, Arf,

Izzi & Rozi
