It's not bad, the way we get our nutrition every day. It's not like it could not be better, but it's pretty sweet. All things considered.
You see, the way that it works is that two times (sadly, only two times) every day, we have our food presented to us and we go about the fun task of eating it.
Our mama tells someone to "set a timer for..." some number of seconds, and we don't know numbers so we don't know what that means but what we do know is that there is a quiet time and then all of a sudden there is a ding ding ding and we know that it's time to eat.
But, we cannot (or - better - should not) eat until we are told to "let's eat!". Then, because half of us are dainty, we get picked up and kissed on the head and gently placed in front of our plates. We will admit that it is a little frustrating to know that we can eat but that we have to wait for this magical lifting into the air and being put down right in front of the plate because we're big girls and we could walk over to the plate by ourselves. Still, it's nice to get the kiss and also to be put right in front of our meals.
We mean: imagine if this happened to our mama or other creatures that are not puppies: you would be watching your TV or reading your books or updating your profile on LinkedIn when you would hear a ding ding ding and then you would be lifted into the air and kissed on your head and put gently in front of your food. No walking, no shuffling, no tension. Just getting moved from one thing that you are doing to another one and without even having to think about it. Wouldn't that be great?
Well it's how our meals start, and it's one of the reasons that we love our mama so much.
Once our breakfast or dinner starts, for Izzi, that means nibbling at the plate and perhaps taking a stalk or two of broccoli from the plate to a more comfortable location (our mama calls it "the living room rug"), then returning for another morsel or two until the combination of food and exercise is sufficient for a meal.
Rozi, on the other hand, typically puts her face on her plate and does not come up for air until the plate is empty. We know that our mama makes sure that we have yummy food to eat, like the broccoli we already talked about and some chicken, and every once in a while a special treat, like bacon or roast beef. And, of course, she puts our special food on our plates to be sure that we are getting all the important vitamins and minerals we need to be able to sleep for 8 of the next 9 hours.
We know that our mama wants us to be strong girls with good bones and shiny fur, and that's why she gives us such good things to eat.
If we had one complaint, it's (and we hate to say this).... not enough.
You see, we are very hungry girls every morning, and we both finish our breakfasts (although sometimes we will "help" the other one by nibbling away at the plate that is not ours when we feel that the other one needs a little help to join the "clean plate club"). When we're done, even though we know that our mama has planned the meal so that we get the right amount, we're sad because we would like to be able to eat more.
The same thing happens in the nighttime when we know that we need to get as much food in our bellies for the long night since we won't be able to eat again until the morning time.
So, if you are listening mama, it would be a really nice thing if you put a little more food on our plates. You know that we get exercise every morning before breakfast, so it's not as though we spend the entire day doing nothing. And, even when it seems like we have just plopped down and sprawled out unconsciously on the floor of the living room (Rozi) or on the bed in the special place that we all sleep (Izzi), the fact is that we are burning off calories by making sure that if there are any other doggies or birds or leaves that pass by the house, we have to be alert and bark (Rozi) or whine (Izzi) at them so that they go away.
Still, we love the food that our mama gives us and are happy that we have to do so little to be able to enjoy it.
But would it be so bad to give us just a little more food?
Arf, Yip, Yip, Yip
Izzi & Rozi
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