Long time readers of this blog will know that we have often talked about "great escapes". Of course, by "long time readers" mean "the guy we tell what to type" (and, for the record, make him give us treats as a payment). So for those who have not been with us since the beginning, we direct your attention to "The Great Escape" and "The Great Escape II".
Today we want to talk a bit more about Izzi and how near cat burglar (pardon the expression) way of getting into places that she's not supposed to. The fact that she's so little and so skinny put her in a great (physical) position to be able to fit into some pretty small places. In fact, sometimes Izzi will find a small nook to rest in, and when Rozi tries to use it...well, let's just say that Rozi quickly finds another place to nap (under the coffee table is an especially comfy place for her lately).
But, this note is all about Izzi. This morning, our mama left us and we were pretty good about it, keeping the crying and whining down to about half an hour. Then, the door to our patio was opened a little for us to get some fresh air (it's a beautiful September day!), and soon we were all alone in the house. As usual, we sniffed around and looked out the patio window and let the world and our neighbors know that we were home. There's a video that was taken at just after 10:00AM today that shows that we were both up and about. (We expect you are wondering why we would tell you that there is a "video" since we said we were here and walking around and you know that we trust you. To that we say: patience.)
The morning rolled on, gradually becoming noon and then the afternoon. Our day was much like other days, spent in quiet contemplation (a/k/a waiting for our mama to come home). Well, our wishes were granted at just after noon, when our mama came home and we were both so excited. Rozi ran to the door to greet her and Izzi.... didn't.
You see, during the morning, having tired of her places to rest and play and announce to the world that she was home, Izzi decided to go on an adventure to a place known as "up the stairs". Now, there are no photographs or videos or audio recordings of Izzi's decision, but when our mama came in the door, Izzi was on the other side of the puppy gate that she puts on the stairs to be sure we don't climb up and down too much and get ourselves all tired out, which would mean less energy when she walks in.
But, there Izzi was! Of course, she'd gotten so lost in her thoughts during her exploration that she forgot to come back down and so when our mama walked in, she got too excited to get back down the stairs.
We have agreed that we will never tell anyone how Izzi was able to go on this adventure. But if you look closely, you'll see that there is justalittle room on the side of our puppy gate, and so Izzi was able to squeeeeze herself through and onto the stairs on the other side. We also won't tell you what Rozi did when that happened, or how she reacted, but we'll remind you that Rozi is just a little more - um - solid and please re-read the earlier part of this report.
Now, the day is back to normal: our mama is home and we're both relaxing on the floor, hoping that it won't be too long before we have dinner. Rozi is also thinking about where she wants to go for a walk this afternoon.
And, Izzi is plotting her next adventure, wondering if she stood on Rozi's back, she'd be able to open the door to the little room that our mama likes to hide in. Stay tuned!
Arf, Yip, Yip, Arf,
Izzi & Rozi
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