Leaf me alone

First of all, you should know that we're having a blizzard today. Secondly, you should know that I'm not allowed outside because I would "blend in" with the snow (that's what my mama says...maybe if I had a colorful scarf or sweater or chapeau...)

And, most importantly (and for those of you who are math-obsessed, third) there is a leaf on our roof.

Now this leaf may look harmless, but I know better than that. This leaf is evil. This leaf wants to hurt me and my family. Threat level red!!!

But, never fear...Izzi-dog is here.

I've been growling and barking at it for the last 10 minutes. I have jumped on and off the bed to get a good angle to attack my nemesis. I have snarled and yipped and woofed and arfed continuously and.. well... I have scared this evil leaf into submission! Hooray, me!

And we are now back to threat level yellow. (There could be other leaves...they usually travel in packs.) Whew! That was a close one! As you can see, my vigilance keeps my family safe.

Now, if you don't mind, I need a nap. All that barking tired me out.

Arf Yip Yip Yip
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