A Day in the Life

When I wake up, I feel confused. I remember lying down when it was dark outside, and I remember putting my head on the soft part of the blanket. But, now, it's light outside and there's a barking that has interrupted my sleep. Groggily, I start to focus and - without standing up - I see that I am, thankfully, not alone in bed. The noise is coming from the edge of the bed, where Izzi is greeting the morning with a lot of noise. She does that, because she thinks that she has to warn the rest of us that the sun has come up or there is someone walking a dog in front of the house, or she just feels like it.

And, I don't want to get up. It's too early and I feel as though I didn't get enough sleep last night (what else is new), but I grudgingly start to stir and soon, I'm completely up and ready to go, and so I join in with the barking. And, for good measure, I add a yelp or two. Now, normally, I save my early morning and middle of the night barking to announce that I have accomplished something important (and, that it's usually in the bathroom), but Izzi is my big sister and if there's something that bothering her, it's bothering me. Aside, of course, from when she tries to bite me in the neck, which I counteract by flopping down and exposing said neck in hopes that this "playing sort of dead" on my part will tire her out after a while. It hasn't, but we're still very young.

So, after we're done with our barking, we get up and go with our mama into the bathroom. Sometimes, we have to go outside to 'do our business' first, but that's not the usual routine (although when it's not mama who's in charge in the morning, it happens more often because that mean man makes us go outside when we're not really that awake and so we do it but then we run like the wind back up the stairs and through the house and up the stairs and back to our bed; most days aren't like that, which is a relief).

Then, we head downstairs with our mama and she lets us outside and we do what we need to do and then we come in and when I get to the door that is made of something that is a wall but you can see through it and so even though you think you can walk straight ahead, you can't and you have to wait for it to be opened up. And, so the door is opened and I make a little jump over the lines that I am afraid that I might fall into and then I usually attack Izzi or she attacks me and we wrestle on the nice soft rug that we have, and it's fun but we get bored and want to see what else is going on in the house.

So, we find where people (usually, our mama) are and we wait around there because it really is breakfast time and we've been really really good dogs all night except when we barked and so we should get a good breakfast because we are good girls. But, we know that if we get breakfast quickly, it might be cold and we don't like our food cold. Izzi doesn't, anyway, and so we have to wait for it to get hotter. When we have a chicken that mama brings to us, a lot of time it's yummy and hot but that's dinner time. Breakfast time she doesn't bring us a new chicken and so we have to eat what she gives us and we don't like to eat all of it so we both nibble a little to make her feel better and then save the rest for when we're hungry, which is from just after she leaves until she comes home.

So, once she is gone, we don't have much to do because wrestling isn't as much fun if no one is around to watch us, so we jump on our couch and look out at the street. Izzi is the boss of making sure that no one comes to our house, but I have to help her because she is more of a lady and has lady-like barks, but my barks are louder and meaner. And, so we bark and then get tired and sleep and sometimes we get off the couch to walk around but mostly we don't.

And, then we take really short naps so that we don't miss anyone walking past our house, and then once we finish warning them, we take another nap and so on.

And, that's my morning (most days). I like it, but I wish there wasn't a rule that there's no food in bed, because wouldn't it be great if you could have food when you woke up and were all warm and cozy? That would be the best.

Okay, time to go take another nap.

Arf, Yip, Yip, Arf
Rozi (Izzi doesn't know I'm doing this alone)
