
We woke up this morning and after getting over our mama's abrupt departure, a crisis that resolved itself when she came home an hour later, wondered what the day would bring. Would we get to go for a walk? (We hoped not; it's hot outside!) Would we get to spend the day in bed, sleeping with our mama? (We thought not, but you never can tell.) Would we have to protect the house from the workers who were in the house this week (This was something that made us anxious and so we didn't think much about it.) We just didn't know.
And, then we saw her get the little brown ball things out of the silver box and then a bag of white powder from the place that has brown doors and then got other things from different places.
Could we be in for a treat? We didn't know...and then she got the machine that goes whirrr whirrr out and we knew that we were going to get a treat!

We know that we have to be good girls to get our treats and so while our mama makes her things that she throws into the hot metal box, she sometimes gets sloppy and drops pieces of it and it's yummy.

And - hooray - we were good girls and got our treats!

Arf, Yip, Yip, Arf,
Izzi & Rozi
