Where did it go?

Have you had one of those days where it seems like something is not just right? Like, maybe, you put your phone somewhere and you reach for it in your pocket and it's not there and you spend minutes or hours searching for it. Or your keys, which should be on the key hook, like mama taught us, are not there and there's a near-panic as you look around for them (and they're usually on a table, but don't forget to look in the bathroom!).
Well, that's the kind of day Rozi is having today. The morning started, as most Sunday mornings do, in bed. While the exception to this is not tied to one day of the week and happens only when our mama is not home at night time, today was not one of those exceptions (whew!) and so we were snuggling when it was time to get up and go outside (even though there was lots of water coming from the sky, so we quickly went down the steps, did what needed to be done, and came back, bringing with us a small amount of mud a somewhat larger amount of water that we shook off once back inside). Then, our mama left us for a really really long time and we would have been sad, but we were too tired from being awake for 45 minutes, so we took a nap. Then, mama came home and we were all happy again!
Then, she started doing that thing where she mixes lots of yummy smelling things together and is very clumsy since big globs of it (she calls it "doe", but it doesn't look like a deer) fall down and we get a little treat. And, that's a good way to start our eating for the day, but then it was time for real breakfast and it was mama's special "boiled chicken" and it was yummy (even though Izzi, since she's had a sick belly, didn't eat hers...yet). But, Rozi was still hungry and wanted to eat some of the "dry" food that mama buys us.

So, after having some water, she wandered over to where the "dry" food is and...it was gone! Not just the food, but the whole bowl! This was a catastrophe on the order of last Sunday's football game (which we're still not allowed to talk about). And, so we did not know what to do with ourselves. But, then our mama came through and soon there was our food dish, right back where it belongs, and  she not only put in "dry" food, the food she put in was new and special and boy did we like it (well, Izzi liked it because she's saving her breakfast for a 'late lunch' and Rozi was not sure that the bowl was really there, so she passed on it).
And, now that we've had that awful experience...we mean can you imagine wanting to eat and having no food to eat?...we're going to take a nap.

Yip, Arf, Yip, Yip,
Izzi & Rozi
